Sunday, February 17, 2013

V Day!

Someone once told me that having a child is like your heart walking around on the outside of your body... Very true.  I do love me some Valentine's day!  

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Family Valentine's day gift.  A bike!! Just when I thought I couldn't crave warm weather anymore..  There are going to be lots of hours logged on this thing.  I am so excited!! Sam loves it too!  And yes, Sam does have on a helmet.  I on the other hand do not.. that is just my new short haircut.  It does get helmet-ish every now and then.  :)

I am one lucky lady for these fine men to BE MINE!! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank the Lord for wonderful friends who constantly inspire me.  I love reading blogs and definitely more so than blogging but it is such an awesome way to document this wonderfully awesome life!!!  I just read my great friends' blogs and through laughs and happy tears of how proud I am of my friends and their awesome families, I was inspired to get back on purejoy and add some thoughts and pics of our past few months!  Lewis gave me a book of purejoy for Christmas this year and it was definitely my favorite gift.  I loved reading through the first year of Sam's life and I can't believe how much he has grown and how much we have grown as a family!!!  Even since he turned a year, he has grown and changed so much!  I Love you so much bud and I am so proud of you!! 

uncle SAM!! I couldn't resist!  

hanging with mom!

Christmas card photo shoot.  :)

family photo at Jingle on the Beach

silly face!  wonder where he gets that from? 

more strawberries please!  this is sam at Mrs. Linny's asking for more strawberries.   Mrs. Linny gets all the credit for signs.