Monday, June 25, 2012

stuck on you

A dear friend reminded me that this is definitely blog material...

let me explain.. :)  I got a little carried away playing with Sam and stuck a suction cup toy to my forehead.. in fact I don't even think it was a toy.  I think it was the bottom of a bottle brush.  You moms out there know what I am talking about.  Anyways, I had a nice forehead hickie for about 5 days.  5 days full of laughs and revlon!  :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day!

Lewis has really in truly amazed me these past 9 months that he has been a dad.  He has not only amazed me as a dad but also as a husband to a new mom.  I think SOOO much of being a good parent, is being a good spouse.  Lets be honest, parenting is no joke and Lewis has transitioned into being such an awesome dad while also supporting me and helping be the best mom I can be to Sam.  His patience, committment to his family, and overall demeanor amaze me on a daily basis.  I strive to be more like Lewis and I know that Sam is going to be just like him one day.  Sam is totally smitten with his dad and I love nothing more than to see Sam's face truly light up when Lewis gets home from work.  {Mine lights up too :).  Some days, 5:45 takes a while to roll around :)} The dad's in my life truly deserve a day to be celebrated!  Thank ya'll for everything!! Happy Father's Day!
The loves of my life!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

9 months!

whoa! 9 months! really?!!  Sam you are getting so big my man!  Sam is turning more and more into my little boy vs. my little baby boy day by day!  He is crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything!  He wakes up every morning with an agenda!  I am telling you he is ready to go.  He is getting more and more interactive.  We can really play together now.  The other day, he would chase me in one direction and then stop on a dime and turn around as if he had had a enough of that and was ready for me to chase him again.  It was great!  His is really trying to tell me things too.  His "ba ba" and "da da" are turning into more of a loud BA! paired with a hand/finger point.  He wants to be able to say it so bad!  Sam is also starting to eat real food!  Yep, he can have whatever we are having now as long it is small and soft.  Still no teeth!  We have been trying some new things over the past week but his favorite new thing is yogurt.  He is loving that stuff.  Cooked peas and carrots have not made the list of favorites. 

 I am absolutely loving this age.  Some things I don't want to forget:  they way you look at me with a mischievous grin as if you know I am about to tell you "no", the way you still love when I say, "oh my stars and garters!," the way you smile with pure delight when I get you out of your crib in the morning, the way you are starting to give me little hugs here and there, the way you crack up when i get home from work, the way you shake your fist and shake your head with frustration when you want to be able to do something SO bad!, the way you explore, explore, explore, the way you are really starting to play with kate and tickle her when you try to crawl over her, the way you love outside and your new wagon, the way you dart towards the water crawling on all fours when we are at the beach, the way you are fearless when the waves are splashing around you, the way you are starting to hold both hands up in the air and smile when you are in your highchair, the way you smile and laugh with love when your dad gets home from work... really buddy, I love every single last thing about you.  You are perfect and I love being your mom.  I can't remember myself without you.  These last 9 months have been a true true blessing.