Friday, December 30, 2011

Sam's First Christmas (Round 2)

Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year.  It was even more special this year with Sam.  I really don't think there is anything better than a child at Christmas.  Now, I realize that Sam is a few years shy of really getting into the spirit, but there is just something about Christmas and children.  I really cannot wait for Sam to be waking us up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning, tearing through gifts, sliding around in footed pajamas, and checking to see if St. Nick grubbed his cookies and milk.  We had a great Christmas and it was so wonderful to spend it with family and friends.

I cannot believe that tomorrow is New Year's Eve!  This year has flown!  It was last year this time that Lewis and I had just learned that we were going to be parents!  I will NEVER forget that day.  Now we have a beautiful baby boy to ring in the New Year with!   Happy New Year everybody!!

the fam.. Sam was jacked up about his special secret gift from his Dad.. He loves that thing

Sam and Great Grandmother Nana

Lewis got the tape dispenser he had been asking for 

Merry Christmas! 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sam's First Christmas (round 1)

We had such a great time last weekend in Morehead.  The whole fam was in the house!! I think at one point we had 14 + Kate under the same roof.  It was a blast.  Sam was quite cozy in his closet.  :)  This is no ordinary closet though.  It is quite spacious and well venilated so Sam was cozy as could be.  The girls (SB, Cordelia, Susan, and Maryellen) hit the town on Saturday and enjoyed a nice lunch and some shopping while the men held down the fort.  We opened presents Saturday afternoon.  There is nothing better than a child opening presents at Christmas.  Sam needed a little help opening all of his loot.  We had a delicious dinner on Saturday night. Lewis put the time of day on a tenderloin from Costco.  It was so good!  Sunday was another beautiful day at the Crystal Coast and we got packed up and spent a little time on the beach. And I managed to work in a little photo session of my sweet neices and nephews.  We had a great time and now on to Sam's First Christmas round 2. 

I am so sleepy but ya'll must be crazy if you think I am going to nap and miss out on all of this fun.

Fierce! Bjorn Borg

Daniel's album cover

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Time is flying!! I cannot believe that Sam will be 15 weeks on Saturday.  It is getting hard to keep track of the weeks.  I really don't know where to start.  We have had an awesome last month.  I have gone back to work, Sam is laughing now, we are all decorated for Christmas, and we got a VAN!!!  I know, i know, it is official, we are parents!  I love the van though! I am a little bit obsessed with it.  I don't think a day has passed since we have had it that I haven't called my dad to say, "this thing is awesome."  I think I get a rush every time I use my blue tooth, turn on my heated steering wheel, and/or automatically open the back gate to unload the big BOB.  :)

Ok, so onto my Sam 3 month update.  Yep, he has the best little chuckle right now that completely melts my heart!!  His dad has a major way of bringing it out in him which melts my heart even more to see them interact.  He laughs more and more each day and it is hilarious.  We still aren't quite there with a predictable routine, but we are all working together on that and definitely not sweating it.  Well, maybe I am little bit but trying not too.  My new name for him is Samuel without a manual.  It is very true what everyone tells you that once you feel like you have something figured out, it changes.  But, he is happy so we can't ask for much more than that.  He has started to really like getting out and about which is great for me because we can easily run errands and Christmas shop (which is what we have to do today.) Oh, and I can't forget to mention that I really think he is teething.  He has been a leaky faucet.  Lots of drool and one day he had a little raised white dot on the bottom of his gums.  It went away, but I think it may have been signs of a tooth.  Anyway, we are all doing great and loving this special time of year with the best gift anyone could ever, ever ask for.  We count our blessings daily and thank the Lord for blessing us with Sam.

3 Months!  Can't wait for Santa!

haha! this picture cracks me up!  Introducing the newest member of the Deans family

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I went back to work 2 weeks ago today.  I am 2 weeks late on this post becuase 2 weeks ago, I had all kinds of emotions related to returning to work.  Now I am still getting into the swing of our new routine, but I am not quite as emotionally involved as I was.  I dreaded that first day back but I had grown so tired of dreading it that it was such a relief to finally go back.  Although it was painful to be away from Sam, I realized how much I really love my job and how very very fortunate I am to be able to do it 2 days a week. It is so perfect! I am loving being back in the working world.  It is great to get my brain juices flowing but I assure you I would not be so enthusiastic if it were more than 2 days.  Two days at work and 5 days with Sam is just how I like it.  I am still getting used to our routine because we have not yet had a normal week with Thanksgiving and some weekend work days thrown in the mix.  It is definitely taking me a little bit of adjusting as I switch back and forth from my different roles, but I am getting there.  

Sam has some new occupations as well.  He is a sponge!  It is so awesome to see him explore his world and constantly learn about his environment.  Since play is a child's primary occupation, we spend a lot of time playing!  I love seeing the changes that take place everyday as we he develops new skills. 

Couldn't really think of a good caption, I just like this picture.

Give me one more minute mom, this is the best part!

Sorry Bud, not for another 21 years

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Give Thanks!

My dad said a blessing this Thanksgiving from the movie "Places in the Heart."  He prefaced his blessing with how thankful we are that we have a holiday like Thanksgiving to just stop and flat out, give thanks!  We have so much to be thankful for and busy days often get in the way of stopping to just thank the Lord for all of our many many blessings.  This Thanksgiving was especially special with Sam.  We had so much fun visiting with family.  Lewis, Sam, Kate and I did our fair share of traveling in order to visit with our family that we are so thankful for.  Wednesday we all got to Wilson (Sam got to Wilson earlier than his mom and dad in order to hit up his Granddad's work Thanksgiving lunch), then Thursday lunch at NaNa's in Wilson, then off to Chapel Hill for dinner.  Then Friday morning to Morehead where we spent the weekend.  Sam did awesome on the trips.  He is getting much better at traveling.. thank goodness!  So after lots of traveling, visiting, eating, and playing we got back to Wilmington Sunday.  We had a great time celebrating this holiday where we make time to give thanks!!

My aunt Wendy's delicious cranberry granola scrumptiousness. 

 “Make us thankful for your generous bounty and unceasing love
Help us to remember in these hard times to be grateful for what we have been given,
not to ask for what we cannot have,
make us mindful of those less fortunate than us as we sit at this table with all of thy bounty.

Places in the Heart, Tri Star Pictures, 1984

Monday, November 21, 2011

New camera

Cameras and pictures take on a whole new meaning when you have a child. Lewis and I decided to get a new one for each other for an early Christmas present. I am loving this thing. I am trying to learn all of the "advanced settings" but I have a ways to go.  I can't wait to get some good pics over the holidays.  Here are a few of my favs so far.  

"Dang, how did you find me up here mom"

sam LOVES his play mat

this one might be our Christmas card picture. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Vivvy is here!!

"Can't wait to meet my Dad!!"
Congratulations Matt and Steph!! She is beautiful!!  Vivian Louise Cox (love her name!!) was born Novemember 12th at 9:40 am.  5 lbs, 12 oz and 17 inches.  Basically, perfect!  Matt is currently deployed but by the grace of God he is going to be able to come home and hold his baby girl!  SUCH A BLESSING!! I cannot wait for Matt, steph, and Vivvy to be together and enjoy this absolute miracle.  Sam is so pumped to have a baby cousin!  It is so amazing that they are so close in age.  We are going to have so much fun watching these two grow up together.  We love ya'll so much and can't wait to see you SOON!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

2 months! (halloween & home photo sesh)

I cannot believe Sam is two months!! it is crazy how fast the time is flying.  I especially can't believe I go back to work in 2 weeks!  ughhh... I know it will be good for me but right now, I am dreading it.  We are just now starting to get into a little routine.  It is still not all that predictable but I can usually expect Sam to eat, play, then sleep.  Sam has really taken a big interest in his mobile.  We had an old 1970s crank mobile on his crib and once we saw his love for that thing it didn't take us 1 day to realize we needed a battery powered mobile with a remote!  I don't think he likes the new one quite as much as the vintage humpty dumpty, but he does like that it plays for 10 minutes and we don't have to disturb him to restart.  Simply push the catepillar's stomach and you have another 10 minutes of pure joy.  :)  He has also really started to like his snuggily soft blankets and little holdie things.  He holds them up to his face and nuzzles into them with heavy eyes.  It melts me heart to see him do this.  It is so sweet.  Now I know why babies get so many of these soft blankets and "holdies." 
I have survived 2 months of this craziness...

is this why mom always calls me pumpkin? 

First Halloween!  Sam had a great first halloween!  We went to Lewis' office for the proud poppa to show him off.  All the ladies were so excited to see Sam.  Sam and I then made our maiden voyage to Harris Teeter.  He did great and gave me just enough time to purchase a very random frozen box of mini corn dogs for the neighborhood get together.  I didn't claim the corn dogs that made my house smell like the state fair after 18 minutes in the oven.  Sam snoozed right through the neighborhood halloween gathering so he went as the cliche pumpkin that every newborn has to be if born around halloween.  We had plans for sam to go as Sambo in his camo but I wasn't about to wake him up to get dressed. 

 Olan mills in the house! I have been trying so hard to get a good picture for an announcement.  These are my favs from our photo session so be on the look out for an announcement in the near future.  My goal is to get it done before I go back to work..ugh..

Monday, October 24, 2011

Friends and Fam!

Sam and Kate are building a strong bond.  Kate is very protective of her little brother.  She follows us both around all day and is always sure of where Sam is.  WHEN Sam naps, Kate will often curl up beside him.  I can't wait until Sam can reach out and pet Kate and throw the ball for her.  If you know Kate you know that throwing the ball for her is a surefire way into her heart.  Kate will be 9 years old in a week and her birthday symbolizes how many years Lewis and I have been together.  I will never forget going to get her 9 years ago and being so excited about this new guy in my life. 

Sam's first play date!  Well, really it was Sarah Beth's first mom date.  Allison Abney and her beautiful son Walker Lee came over last week for some baby and mom QT.  We had a great time and it was so neat to see these two little ones together.  Sam was 6 weeks and Walker Lee was 4 weeks when this pic was taken.  It will surely be so much fun to watch them grow! 

Aunt Libba, Martha, uncle Dillon, uncle Mickey, aunt Sulla, aunt Judy, Mom and Sam, and GG (Sam's great grandmother)
Last week we went to Holden Beach to visit family.  My great aunt Judy, uncle Mickey, their daughter Martha, and my mom's first cousin Libba come to Holden Beach ever year for 1 month in the fall.  The past 2 years Lewis and I have gone to visit with them and have had the best time hearing old stories and eating homemade bleu cheese dressing with saltines.  I have to admit I missed that hors d'oeuvre this year.  Anyway, Lewis couldn't make it this time but Sam took his place.  I was so glad that it worked out that these special folks could meet Sam.  My uncle Mickey has always reminded me so much of my grandad and it was so special to see Sam in his arms.  I could feel my granddad smiling down on us with so much pride & joy for his great grandson. 

Farris' come to town!  Charlie, Rebekah, and Jackson came over this past Saturday to watch the heels game with us.  The heels did not make it the upset of the week but they made us very upset.  Especially Sam.  He was beside himself.  Jackson tried so hard to teach Sam how to suck his thumb but I think we have a few more weeks (please be weeks and not months) before that skill is perfected.  I cannot wait until Sam can suck his thumb!  He wants it so bad and just like his buddy Jackson, it is eventually going to be so soothing for him. 

Sam is growing!! He is getting bigger by the day! It is so fun to see the small changes that happen daily and to see different skills develop.  He is cooing like crazy and really starting to tell us what he thinks about a few things.  His new favorite thing to do is roll over from his stomach to his back.  The last picture is of Sam in action!  

Monday, October 17, 2011

First trip to Wilson!

Last week, I was in Wilson all week with Sam, my mom, dad, and kate.  Lewis was on a hunting trip in Canada.  The lord works in mysterious ways because while it was very hard for our family to be apart at this time, I learned a ton being at home with my parents and sam, and lewis had a blast on his trip.  He had the camera so I don't have any pics to update the blog with. 

So last Monday Lewis helped Sam and I hit the road to Wilson first thing in the morning.  We had the Jeep loaded up with baby equipment.  We made it to Wilson safely with only one stop along the way to reinsert the passy.  Monday was a wonderful day.  Sam snoozed most of the day and part of that time was in his great grandmother's (GG's) arms.  Soo.. Tuesday was a different story.  Sam was next to inconsolable.  He would not sleep and his eating patterns were just off.  I was thinking.. 6 week growth spurt.  My mom, dad, and I were taking shifts with Sam and trying to catch a few z's in between.  This continued into the day on Thursday.  My mom and I decided we were going to venture out of the house with Sam on Thursday and take him to Monticellos.  We were in there about 3 minutes when we decided we would order it to go.  We got home and my dad was sent on a mission to find some gas drops.  He came back with the liquid gold!  We gave Sam the drops and he was a different baby.  That afternoon he slept about 4 hours straight.  We were all SO happy!  We were so glad he was comfortable!  He still didn't sleep all that great the next few days but he definitely seemed to feel better. 

I really don't think I could have gotten through last week without my mom and dad.  We all did a lot of problem solving.  I learned so much and have a new lease on motherhood.  :)  I think my dad's comment, "Your motherly instinct is making you crazy" whipped me into shape.  I have been trying to be so by the book and I have been writing everything down (how long & when sam eats, when he uses the bathroom, etc.) I think I really was driving myself crazy.  Lewis would probably, well i know he would agree.  I have learned that the best thing to do is watch your child and learn your child's individual needs.  So goodbye daily schedules!  Whew, that is a load off!

While we missed Lewis like crazy last week, it was such a special special time for me and my parents.  It meant the absolute world to me to have them help me SO much with Sam and for them to get some priceless bonding time with their first grandbaby.  Thank you mom and dad!  I love ya'll so much!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I just recieved the motivation I needed to start bloggin!  A dear friend reminded me of how happy I will be to look back on this blog as the time goes by and as our family grows!  I started this blog when I was about 41 weeks pregnant and we were still expecting Sam.  I remember sitting in our recliner downstairs at 3:30 am trying to get comfortable with a computer on my lap and an 8 lb 13 oz baby bump.  I spent a lot of my time that last week of pregnancy trying to get comfortable and really the only thing that eased my mind was the thought of Sam's arrival. 

September 2 at about 9:30 pm Lewis and I had just finished dinner and were watching the US open.  A somewhat normal Friday night until I had a different feeling.  Lewis and I were in the car on the way to the hospital within 10 minutes.  We got to the hospital and we were told it would be an hour wait!  So.. an hour and a half later we were finally admitted.  I was about  6 cm dilated and it was on!  Sam was on his way.  Both of our parents had dropped what they were doing and were headed to the hospital.  So.. at 2:56 in the morning of September 3rd 2011, Samuel Lewis Deans "Sam"was born!  Pure Joy! It was the most amazing experience of our lives.  It was and is truly truly a miracle! We felt and still feel unbelievably blessed to have a healthy baby boy!

The past month has been an amazing adventure.  Sam has stolen our hearts and every day with him is a blessing.  However super challenging!  We have been inundated with love and support as we adjust to parenthood.  We (especially me) over analyze everything in a desperate attempt to figure out this little man.  Sam started off sleeping so much that my primary concern was if he was eating enough.  After much debate and a trip to the pediatrician to weigh him, we decided to let the boy sleep!  He was back at his birth weight within his first week so we decided that if was hungry he would let us know.  So we let him set his own schedule for a few days and it was quite sporadic and unpredictable.  At 3 weeks Sam woke up!  He started eating every 3 hours like clock work!  Seriously, down to the minute.  He still eats every 3 hours or so however he is starting to log a few more hours at night.  We are hoping this trend continues!  In his 3rd week, we also noticed Sam getting a little more fussy.  We took him back to the pediatrician and has a mild case of reflux.  So we starting him on a small dose of zantac and it made a world of difference.  We are now at week 4 (1 MONTH!) and Sam still has his fussy spells but he is a baby!  We are still trying to figure out a schedule and this and that, but I think the one thing we have nailed down is that we love this little guy more than anything and we need to soak up every single bit of this crazy, joyful time!

September 3, 2011 - Sam's Birthday!!

Whew! So glad to be out of there!

"In my mind, I'm goin' to Carolina!"

First trip to Topsail!!

1 month!