Monday, October 24, 2011

Friends and Fam!

Sam and Kate are building a strong bond.  Kate is very protective of her little brother.  She follows us both around all day and is always sure of where Sam is.  WHEN Sam naps, Kate will often curl up beside him.  I can't wait until Sam can reach out and pet Kate and throw the ball for her.  If you know Kate you know that throwing the ball for her is a surefire way into her heart.  Kate will be 9 years old in a week and her birthday symbolizes how many years Lewis and I have been together.  I will never forget going to get her 9 years ago and being so excited about this new guy in my life. 

Sam's first play date!  Well, really it was Sarah Beth's first mom date.  Allison Abney and her beautiful son Walker Lee came over last week for some baby and mom QT.  We had a great time and it was so neat to see these two little ones together.  Sam was 6 weeks and Walker Lee was 4 weeks when this pic was taken.  It will surely be so much fun to watch them grow! 

Aunt Libba, Martha, uncle Dillon, uncle Mickey, aunt Sulla, aunt Judy, Mom and Sam, and GG (Sam's great grandmother)
Last week we went to Holden Beach to visit family.  My great aunt Judy, uncle Mickey, their daughter Martha, and my mom's first cousin Libba come to Holden Beach ever year for 1 month in the fall.  The past 2 years Lewis and I have gone to visit with them and have had the best time hearing old stories and eating homemade bleu cheese dressing with saltines.  I have to admit I missed that hors d'oeuvre this year.  Anyway, Lewis couldn't make it this time but Sam took his place.  I was so glad that it worked out that these special folks could meet Sam.  My uncle Mickey has always reminded me so much of my grandad and it was so special to see Sam in his arms.  I could feel my granddad smiling down on us with so much pride & joy for his great grandson. 

Farris' come to town!  Charlie, Rebekah, and Jackson came over this past Saturday to watch the heels game with us.  The heels did not make it the upset of the week but they made us very upset.  Especially Sam.  He was beside himself.  Jackson tried so hard to teach Sam how to suck his thumb but I think we have a few more weeks (please be weeks and not months) before that skill is perfected.  I cannot wait until Sam can suck his thumb!  He wants it so bad and just like his buddy Jackson, it is eventually going to be so soothing for him. 

Sam is growing!! He is getting bigger by the day! It is so fun to see the small changes that happen daily and to see different skills develop.  He is cooing like crazy and really starting to tell us what he thinks about a few things.  His new favorite thing to do is roll over from his stomach to his back.  The last picture is of Sam in action!