Saturday, December 3, 2011


I went back to work 2 weeks ago today.  I am 2 weeks late on this post becuase 2 weeks ago, I had all kinds of emotions related to returning to work.  Now I am still getting into the swing of our new routine, but I am not quite as emotionally involved as I was.  I dreaded that first day back but I had grown so tired of dreading it that it was such a relief to finally go back.  Although it was painful to be away from Sam, I realized how much I really love my job and how very very fortunate I am to be able to do it 2 days a week. It is so perfect! I am loving being back in the working world.  It is great to get my brain juices flowing but I assure you I would not be so enthusiastic if it were more than 2 days.  Two days at work and 5 days with Sam is just how I like it.  I am still getting used to our routine because we have not yet had a normal week with Thanksgiving and some weekend work days thrown in the mix.  It is definitely taking me a little bit of adjusting as I switch back and forth from my different roles, but I am getting there.  

Sam has some new occupations as well.  He is a sponge!  It is so awesome to see him explore his world and constantly learn about his environment.  Since play is a child's primary occupation, we spend a lot of time playing!  I love seeing the changes that take place everyday as we he develops new skills. 

Couldn't really think of a good caption, I just like this picture.

Give me one more minute mom, this is the best part!

Sorry Bud, not for another 21 years


  1. LOVE Sam reading! He is concentrating so hard. Smart boy!!!

  2. LOVE everyone of those pics!! I am so glad the work schedule is going well!! I think two days is the perfect mix as well!

  3. Is he focusing more on the book or the beer? A healthy balance of concentration, Sam!! Glad you are enjoying the work schedule!!
