Monday, April 16, 2012

7 months!!

In my true bloggin style, I am late on my 7 month update!!  Where do I start!  Ok, i think I know.. sam is sleeping through the night!!!! This really is pure joy and a blessing from the good Lord!! I am serious, lots of prayer has gotten us to this point.  We went to Sam's 6 month appointment and the MD (who really never offers any advice other than "crying it out") insisted that nothing was wrong with Sam (no stomach hurting, teething etc.) other than, simply not knowing how to get himself back to sleep.  He expected to be fed, held or rocked. SO, our sleep had gotten SO bad that we had to do it.  Not that we hadn't tried it in the past but this time it was a little more brutal.  Sure enough, after 3 nights of crying, we all slept about 8 hours that 4th night.  And for the past month we have been sleeping!! Praise the Lord!!  So that is the biggest bit of blog worthy news.  As always, Sam is growin, growing.  He is trying so hard to crawl and he gets better at it everyday.  I went to get him out of his crib the other day and he was sitting up looking at me and smiling like crazy.  He was very proud of himself.  We then immediately lowered the crib.  We also celebrated Sam's first Easter this past month and did the Morehead/Topsail shuffle to visit fam.  Sam has his very own swing both places and he loves it!  He has loved a swing since the day he was born!  I know my mom absolutely cannot wait to get Sam and Viv swinging side by side at Topsail.  Which is only a 1 month away!! woohoo!!  Matt, Steph, and Viv will be in the continental US in just a matter of weeks!  I absolutely cannot wait to see my brother, sister-in-law, and sweet neice!! 

So, this has been an awesome month.  My old friend sleep has come back into my life with very welcomed arms!  Sleeping through the night makes a huge difference!!  For all involved.  Even Kate! Maybe, just maybe I will do some more bloggin in this next month.  Since I can't blame my slackness on lack of sleep anymore, I think I will blame pinterest.

Sunrise on Easter Morning!

Family Easter pic

sam loved his Easter basket!

Whats up Peter Cottontail!

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinkin cute! I wish T and Sam could swing next to each other!
