Saturday, May 5, 2012

8 months!

been chilling in my blue pool..
good ol baby gut laugh!

What a fun filled month this has been!  Sam is on the move!  That knee bend leg kick rock quickly emerged to full out crawl!  Sam is speeding from room to room and in our multilevel house, this means lots of exploration combined with lots of hands/eyes on sam time.  Baby proofing is in full effect!  Sam loves to motor through a sea of vibrant colored, noise making, stimulating toys only to arrive at a dirty old, slobbery dog bone or a lonely set of fireplace tools.  Only to provide a few examples of those interesting household items that sam finds absolutely fascinating.  I love watching Sam explore his world and watch him problem solve as he learns that he can put things in and dump them out.  Sam is still working on some teeth but no pearly whites yet.  His precious little blonde hair grows every day.  He is getting a little bubble of blonde hair with the cutest little baby boy peak at the base of his neck.  Sam has also starting doing a lot more talking.  He is making lots of new sounds like baa baa, daa daa (almost Da Da lew), mm, mm (almost ma ma).  With swimming lessons on the horizon, Sam is prepping by spending lots of time in his state of the art blue baby pool.  You can't beat the $7.99 plastic baby pool.  We had to bust out the rash guard that I have been waiting patiently to put on him since my baby shower approximately 1 year ago!!  I absolutely cannot believe that it has been about a year since we were painting a nursery, I was picking out fabric for the crib, and we were starting to accumulate baby goods that I was SO excited to use.  Although I imagined a precious baby boy, I never knew how precious & perfect and I never knew the power and depth of a mother's love.  As Sam grows, he steals my growing heart each day.  His laugh, his smile, his bruised knees, his determination, his curiosity, and basically all the little things about him are each and every one, little blessings from God.  I can't thank you enough.
gilligan! the skipper (kate) too!

growing blonde hair!

white dolphin!
my little BOY!

hammin it up!


  1. soo cute, love a good white dolphin!

  2. Sam is such a wonderful blessing! I cannot wait to get to know this fella's personality. He is going to be a hoot!! Happy early mother's day! You are a terrific mama to this sweet little goose!!
